HyperbolaBSD merchandise

Hyperbola Project (HyperbolaBSD and GNU/Linux-libre)
Hyperbola Project is a Free Software and Free Culture project aiming to provide a fully free as in freedom GNU/Linux operating system called Hyperbola GNU/Linux-libre.Hyperbola GNU/Linux-libre is based on Arch GNU/Linux package management and using Debian development patches for stability and security, with resulting packages optimized for i686 and x86_64 CPUs under Long Term Support (LTS). Hyperbola too aims to keep the package and management tools simple, stable, and secure.
The main goal is to give the user complete control over their system with 100% free software, free culture, security, privacy, and stability.
The project also developing their own fully free operating system called HyperbolaBSD, it is going to be the replacement for the Hyperbola GNU/Linux-libre distribution.
Hyperbola Project and FreeWear.org are colaborating since 2024. FreeWear.org donates a portion of the sales of Hyperbola items in this website to Hyperbola Project.
Donations accumulated until 2025/03: 10.00 € (VAT included)
More information: https://www.hyperbola.info/
HyperbolaBSD stuff:

Hyperbola GNU Linux-libre fiited t-shirt

Hyper Bola t-shirt

Hyper Bola t-shirt

HyperbolaBSD fiited t-shirt

HyperbolaBSD t-shirt

Hyperbola GNU Linux-libre with zipper sweatshirt

Hyperbola GNU Linux-libre polo

HyperbolaBSD polo

Hyperbola GNU Linux-libre sweatshirt

Hyper Bola sweatshirt

HyperbolaBSD sweatshirt

HyperbolaBSD with zipper sweatshirt