Python merchandise

Python is a programming language that lets you work quickly and integrate systems more effectively. A powerful multi-paradigm language, focused in productivity and code readability.
Its minimalist and very dynamic syntax, combined with an awesomely large standard library,explains to a good extent that since Guido van Rossum pulled it out of his sleeve in 1991, its popularity has shot up.
Since 2009, FreeWear collaborate with Python, donating a portion of the sales of Python materials in our website to PSF.
In addition, we collaborated by printing the t-shirts for several Python events, such as the 30th Anniversary online, with individualized shipments all around the world.We've worked for EuroPython Conf. We also collaborate in Python Italy and Python Spain events, printing the t-shirts of their events and/or sending them t-shirts from our catalog for sale in the events.
Donations accumulated until 2025/03: 3,747.28 € (VAT included)
More information:
Python stuff:

Little Python Denim t-shirt

Little Python t-shirt

Hello World in Python t-shirt

Hello World in Python t-shirt

I used Python t-shirt

Python Dark t-shirt

Py have a dream t-shirt

Python Denim t-shirt

Python t-shirt

Python t-shirt

Little Python fitted t-shirt

Python fitted t-shirt

Python Kid t-shirt

Python Only Logo polo

Python polo

Little Python Denim sweatshirt

Python sweatshirt

The Python natural organic Tote bags

The only Python black organic Tote bags

Python Only Logo cushion

Python cushion

Python cap

Python mug

Py Have a Dream white sticker

sys.exit() sticker

Python 2 cms. vinyl

Python Circle 3.5 cms. vinyl

Python Dark 3.5 cms. vinyl

Python Metallica Circle 3.5 cms. vinyl

Python Metallica 3.5 cms. vinyl

Python 8 cms. vinyl

Python 5.5 cms. vinyl

Python 3.5 cms. vinyl