KDE merchandise

The KDE Community is an international technology team dedicated to creating a free and user-friendly computing experience, offering an advanced graphical desktop, a wide variety of applications for communication, work, education and entertainment and a platform to easily build new applications upon. We have a strong focus on finding innovative solutions to old and new problems, creating a vibrant atmosphere open for experimentation.
KDE Applications. Powerful, multi-platform, and for everyone. Use KDE software to surf the web, keep in touch with colleagues, friends and family, manage your files, enjoy music and videos; and get creative and productive at work. The KDE community develops and maintains more than 200 applications which run on any Linux desktop, and often other platforms too.
Our first contact was in 2006, with KDE Hispano.
KDE Spain is a project to promote KDE among the Spanish-speaking community, and serve as a point of reference for Hispanic users and developers who want to get closer to KDE technologies.
18 years of collaboration have strengthened powerful links between FreeWear.org both with KDE e.V..: we donate a portion of the sales of KDE materials in this website: ...but here, from FreeWear also You Make KDE Possible!!.
Donations accumulated until 2025/03: 2,552.85 € (VAT included)
More information: http://www.kde.org/
KDE stuff available right now:

Konqui t-shirt

Konqi t-shirt

Katie heart t-shirt

Konqi heart t-shirt

Plasma Desktop blue t-shirt

Plasma blue polo

Plasma Desktop Full Colours t-shirt

KDE t-shirt

KDE Ringer t-shirt

KDE India Navy organic t-shirt

KDE Dark t-shirt

Katie heart fitted t-shirt

Plasma Desktop fitted blue t-shirt

KDE fitted t-shirt

Konqi Kid t-shirt

Plasma Desktop Full Color polo

Big Konqui sweatshirt

KDE Great Logo Blue sweatshirt

KDE Great Logo White sweatshirt

Katie organic Tote bags

Konqi organic Tote bags

Konqi velvet touch cushion cushion

Hello World-Good Night World velvet touch cushion cushion

KDE cap

Katie mug

Konqi mug

KDE mug

KDE 2 cms. vinyl

KDE 5 cms. vinyl

KDE 3 cms. vinyl